image of Alicia Walters standing in front of the Black Futures Newsstand

The Black Future Newsstand

Visionary, Facilitator, Co-Creator
Experiential Art
The Black Future Newsstand is a live, in-person, custom-built installation guided by the question, “What does a media that loves Black people look, feel, sound, and taste like in a future where reparations are real?” It features magazines, mini-zines, newspapers, art and other forms of media owned and published by Black folx that represent the diversity of the African diaspora.

The outside of the interactive newsstand features a Black Thought Wall , inviting Black people to write what they love about themselves, their visions for a media that loves Black people, and the stories they long to share and read. 

The Black Future Newsstand invites Black folx to not only imagine a media that loves us, but to step inside and create it. As part of the programming, Alicia organized a zine-making workshop where participants could create media in response to what had been shared and put their media inside the newsstand for others to enjoy. The Black Future Newsstand is one expression of a future media-system that Centers Blackness, that loves and cares for Black people as the antidote to a long history of anti-Black media harm and brought about through media reparations.

Bring the Black Future Newsstand to your ‘hood! →
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people standing outside of Black Though Project
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